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Cyberanalyst for a Day

La sfida delle Coding Girls al liceo Monterotondo

Cyberanalyst for a Day

Cyberanalyst for a Day

Coding Girls Challenge in Monterotondo

Yesterday, the Liceo G. Peano in Monterotondo, in the Province of Rome, held the first CyberSHEcurity Challenge in which forty young women worked to develop prevention and defence strategies for a business. The event is promoted as part of the Ambizione Italia for Cybersecurity project, conceived in collaboration with Microsoft, and implemented with the Coding Girls Programme.

The young protagonists learn to deal with hot topics, such as privacy and data security, and they do so not only from a personal, but also professional point of view. In fact, the objective is to help girls seize the numerous career opportunities available in the cybersecurity sector. While this sector is rapidly expanding, only 25% of employees are women. 

Here are the results of the challenge, as evaluated by the jury composed by: 

  • Samantha Di Genova, Coach
  • Simone Guidotti, Physics and Mathematics Professor, Liceo Peano
  • Marco Brocchieri, Coach


  1. First place: Agenti MAC
    Title: Hacker Attack on Grass 
    Following a hacker attack on a sustainable fashion company, we solved the problem by developing a plan based on the causes of the attack and the risks detected and providing preventive measures and communication strategies.
  2. Second place: Winx
    Title: Eco Couture
    The company was attacked by Ransomware.
  3. Third place: JeanieGirls
    Title: EcoJeanie
    We collaborated on the creation of an original brand, combining creativity with modern recycling. Everyone had the opportunity to express their idea and opinion, setting up a unique and particular project with a feminist touch.

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